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  • Writer's pictureTammy Rodrigues

Road Trip North: Day 10

For a day that didn't quite go to plan we still made the most of it.

After a really late night (I think I finally went to sleep at 3.30am) and then being woken up pretty early, I wasn't too impressed about getting up early. But as soon as I opened my eyes I realised the wind had died off and it would be perfect for snorkeling. So, to solve all problems I send Hobbit off to have a snorkel, and I slept in! lols. When I eventually woke up I decided to take a walk and go shopping. I got half way down the road and Hobbits car pulled up, he had finished snorkeling already due to the wind picking up and stirring the sand, making visibility in the water difficult. It was lucky he got out early because he did get to see some really gorgeous sights underwater, loads of fish which swim around you totally unphased by your presence. The rocks had way more life and activity than expected and the water was pristine clear to show it all off, until the winds of course. But he was glad he got to see it and managed to get some great underwater photos and videos. He went home and I had a look through town.

We met up for a late brunch at Angies Cafe which was super dooper delicious. Hobbit had Eggs Benedict and I had the special which was Leek and Cheese croquettes with sweet potato and cauliflower mash. I really enjoyed that meal, it was a perfect plate for a lap-bander, nice and easy to eat and lots of vitamins with all the veggies. It had a scattering of spinach and fetta which complimented all the flavours beautifully.

We finally got around to the foreshore to look at hiring a catamaran but the sign said it had closed for the day. We rang the guy and sure thing, he said it was too windy so closed up shop early. Bummer, I was actually really looking forward to that and I knew Hobbit was too. To fill some time we grabbed the rock hoppers and took a nice long walk down the Blue Holes Beach and did loads of rock pool fossicking which I really enjoyed. As we walked down the beach it was interesting to see the change in rock formation, shells, and waves. Some areas had really big shells and other areas had none at all. In some spots there were loads of snails, others lots of crabs. It was a great walk and despite the fierce wind, we were still warm and the sun had a nice toasty bite. It was our last beachy day on the holiday agenda so I made sure i really soaked up the sights, smells, feeling, and sounds. It is really awful to think that this time next week I will be trapped back in a cement block office cell and shut off from this soul reviving link to nature. What a depressing thought, ergh! But for now, the feeling of the sand under my feet and the sounds of the crashing waves are very real and I am going to make sure I absorb that for all its worth.

Back home in our cute little Blue Ocean Villa, we decided to use the great big spa. It is one of those big corner tubs so we filled it up and threw in a bottle of bubbles. We enjoyed a bit of spa time along with some pre-mix expresso martinis (wont go into any great detail there...moving right along). Then for some yummy leftover curry from last night, and a bit of internet and telly. Hobbit was totally worn out and in bed snoring by 9.30pm, extremely early for him, but here I am, still typing away at 11.30. I just can't help but be a night owl, i love the nights, my brain gets really active then because I am alone and can concentrate.

Looking forward to tomorrow, we plan on getting out early and reaching the National Park where Z Bend, Natures Window, and the very newly opened SkyWalk are located. We were there last in 2012, but seeing how many drastic changes and upgrades Kalbarri council have made to the town since then, we suspect that the National Park will also be different and we would love to refresh our memories as to what is there anyways.

Im off to count some Z's to get my energy levels up for a lotta lotta walking tomorrow. The Visitor Centre advised us that the National Park can be 10 degrees hotter than town because it is inland and away from the coastal breeze, so we have our frozen water bottles ready to go and picked the coolest day of our stay to go there. Hoping planets align and it is a great day. Will pop by tomorrow to tell you all about it. Adios.

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